Join The Disaster Central Nonprofit Membership Program and Get…


Become A Member

Make a donation to Disaster Central today… further your personal and/or business emergency preparedness for tomorrow!

Not too long ago a woman -- we’ll call her Kelly for the sake of privacy -- was up late one night looking for tips on hurricane season prep and recovery.

She had just moved with her family to southern Florida and had heard her colleagues at work talking about things to do before and after a storm.

  • Board up windows
  • Put outdoor furniture inside
  • Save vital paperwork
  • Make sure to have bottled water and food
  • Go to a hurricane shelter if the storm is big enough
  • Leave town if possible
  • Have flashlights

It was a lot to think about and Kelly didn’t even know where to begin planning, she needed guidance.

After finding a few pages that gave her short overviews of ‘getting ready’, that is when Kelly found Disaster Central -- a nonprofit with the mission to partner with communities to help anyone who is preparing, navigating, or recovering from natural and manmade disasters on life and property!

After browsing the site, checking out the forum and blog, she knew, this was the non-profit she needed to be supporting.

It included a forum on all topics -- from the pandemic to community models for emergency management -- plus a disaster preparedness app called B-READY!

That night, after a small donation, Kelly became a member.

Today, Kelly is part of a growing community and is armed with the B-READY app.

She is ready in the face of anything… Including those catastrophic, life-changing hurricanes.

In fact, her Hurricane emergency plan now includes everything she needs to do before, plans for her entire family during, information on what government agencies to contact after, plus details on her rights!

She feels safe and, best of all, ready.

You Too Can Feel This Sense of Security

What Does Disaster Central Do?

More than just the creators of a revolutionary mobile emergency survival kit app and advocates for communities who face disasters -- we are people who are here to ensure everyone has short term and long-term recovery contingencies.

Something the US greatly needed in the past…

Remember Hurricane Katrina or the wildfires in California (and now Ida)?

People who lived through those weren’t ready and support afterwards was scrambled.

With your support as a member, your donations will go to helping us be there for people -- possibly you -- in great times of need. The more organized the efforts are, the better we can help. And that is what we are here to do.

Join us today and make a big difference tomorrow.

Also, please remember, every donation is tax deductible. You can save hundreds of dollars, ensure your safety, and do a great deal of good all in one.

FREE Bonus -- the B-READY app

For everyone that becomes a member, right now for a limited time, we will give you the B-READY app for free! Sign up on the right!


John K. Romano Founder of Disaster Central.

He is an expert in natural disaster disaster recovery.

He has helped over 6,000 disaster survivors from natural and manmade disasters.

He developed the B-Ready app after surviving hurricane Sandy.