Time to Rebuild or Repair ”Where Can I Get a Loan?"

Once you've settled your insurance claim, you're ready to begin the process of repairing or rebuilding your home. Is your home completely destroyed or does your neighborhood still remain uninhabitable? If so, you may need a loan to cover the financial gaps or you may be interested in buying or building in another area.

It is impossible to give a list of available loan products within the pages of this website. This section provides the name and a brief description of widely available national and state products that might make sense for disaster survivors. For ease in locating products that might best suit your needs, we've grouped them into four broad categories:

  • Low Down Payment Programs
  • Construction and Renovation Programs
  • Special Programs for Disaster Survivors
  • Consumer Loans for Disaster Survivors

We'll briefly outline the features and benefits of standard and custom national products. In addition, New Jersey and New York are responding to Hurricane  by adding  Ida special benefits for disaster survivors in their first-time homebuyer and affordable mortgage programs, so keep checking your local resources to see what might be available to you.